Spirit of Good Neighbors

The 12th Annual Spirit of Good Neighbors Awards will be held in December. This event is to recognize people in our community who are doing good work in service of our Blount County neighbors. Join us for an evening to come together and highlight people in our community and learn about the good work being done for Blount County. Nominations are open for the following categories: Everyday Neighbor, Focused Neighbor, Community Neighbor, and Youth Neighbor
Everyday Community Neighbor
Someone who takes care of those around them through consistent tasks, and fills a gap to ensure their Neighbor has basic needs met. They serve those in need through activities like taking care of a lawn, running errands, cooking food, etc. We all know this type of Neighbor: the one who, with no expectation of appreciation, knows that we are each called to serve our Neighbors. Whether it be through their church, a non-profit, or their own motivation, this individual seeks out and makes a meaningful impact in our community in a variety of ways.
Professional Neighbor
Someone who works in an organization (church, non-profit, school, business, utility, or government) who tirelessly is advocating for those who need help. They find ways to provide for those in need; and when there isn’t an established path, this nominee has created a way to assist.
Focused Neighbor
Someone who is on a dedicated mission to reduce or eliminate a specific gap (hunger, homelessness, housing, etc.). They have spent time, heart, and money bringing others along to help enable a better Blount County. While their mission may not seem solvable in the near-term, you wouldn’t know it because of their passion.
Youth Neighbor
Your Good Neighbor
Our 2023 Recipients!

Our 2022 Recipients!