Stories of Hope

Good Neighbors is fortunate to have helped over 1500 families in 2022.
Here are some of their stories.


After having been laid off a few times during the pandemic due to shutdowns and getting sick herself, Linda’s utility bill came due this month and she found herself unable to pay it. She contacted Good Neighbors and with the help of the GRACE fund we were able to get her back on track. Not only by helping to pay for a portion of the utility bill, but also to offer her resources to…


Life can be so difficult in 2022.  Julie has a husband incarcerated, her children got COVID, she caught COVID from them & then had to have hand surgery.  Her work at a local restaurant was greatly impacted and her utility bill was due.  Good Neighbors was able to pay her utility bill and share with her resources for employment, budgeting, food pantries, etc.  She has applied for COVID assistance through the state and is…