A Story of Hope


When Tina’s electric bill came and it was higher than usual; she just didn’t have the extra money to cover it. She called Good Neighbors on the recommendation of a friend, who had seen a post on Facebook. We were able to provide Tina with the financial assistance to pay her electric bill. During her individual coaching she was provided information on other resources in the community such as connecting her with local food pantries and job opportunities. She was also offered a one on one budget coaching session, where she would have the chance to better understand her finances. Tina was most appreciative for the assistance and made the appointment with our volunteer budget coach for the following week with high hopes.

One of our volunteer staff members called Marlene a few months after Good Neighbors provided her assistance. She was doing GREAT! She had made and kept the appointment with our budget coach and now had a real financial budget and plan in place to help her not only pay all her bills on time, but also, start paying off her student loans and save for the future. She was able to use the resources Good Neighbors had provided and had found a better paying job. In her words, “You were the catalyst for my change. I am now is such a good place in my life and happy. I will recommend Good Neighbors to everyone!”

  Patty and her boyfriend, Peter, are a young couple both working in good paying jobs. One after the other got sick with COVID recently and were out of work for over a week each. This affected their paycheck significantly. When the light bill came due they were short, and feeling overwhelmed. Peter called Good Neighbors to ask for assistance. Through a special COVID fund we were able to pay the bills and during the coaching session they were provided with other resources in the community. Peter was very grateful for the help and decided that they could use the food resources to help with costs and start a small savings to have more peace of mind if something else where to happen to them.